How To Deal With Midlife Crisis

by | Tech And Mindset

In my several years in corporate and business arena, I met several women at midlife and having been one myself; I am often asked if there is such a thing as midlife crises and if there is, what can be done about it?

Most people in midlife, which is the time of life between ages 40 to 65, are at the peak of their career. They are making more money than they have before, their children, if they have any, are now more independent, which frees up more time for the midlife mother to look after her self-care and enjoyment.

Although some women wouldn’t readily care to admit, midlife is also a time of transitions, and that can cause uneasiness in some women. They feel a little out of sorts. Even though their life looks good, they still feel that there has to be more to life than what they are in.

When a woman goes through these emotions, she is experiencing a midlife crisis. It is a crisis of identity or self-confidence. It can be triggered by any of the many changes that occur at that time. Hormonal imbalance during pre and post menopause can cause anxiety and stress. Pondering at the third stage of their life can cause them to think about mortality and aging.

However, for smart, goal-driven women, as Psychology Today says, “a mid-life crisis isn’t about recovering lost youth. It’s about discovering the application of their greatness.”

The problem is defining their zone of “greatness” is bewildering not only to many midlife women but also to some women past age 65. How could one figure out her zone of greatness? What goals to take” Where to start?

Starting Place for Reducing Midlife Crisis

The best place to start is assessing where are you right now and reflecting what actions are needed to get where you want to be in the future or a particular point in time.

As a believer in small steps towards progress and success, I designed a worksheet that guides you from the assessment of 8 different aspects of your life to what courses of action to take each week for a duration of one month to improve on one to three of those areas in your life, career or business.



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