4 Steps Towards Goal Clarity

by | Goals & Success, Mindset

Are you on the right track towards fulfilling your dream goals?

Are you confident that this is what you really want?

Maybe you have so many goals that you wanted to pursue but can’t decide on which one to tackle first, or you’re even unsure if you have what it takes to achieve those goals.

Clarity Worksheet

To get started on transforming your dream goals into reality, go through the Clarity Worksheet and answer the brainstorming questions.
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The first question is about brain dump. Write down all your dream goals whether they be personal, professional, or business goals. Refrain from being judgmental, just keep writing no matter if you don’t think the goal is possible. Come up as many as you can although I recommend writing 25 to 50 goals.

In step 2, rate the goals you’ve written according to how long or how many years it would take you to achieve them. Use numbers 1, 3, 5, or 10. 1 being within a year or less (goals that you will be acting on right now); 3 for 1 to 3 years; 5 for 3 to 5 years, (these are mid-term goals that you might not take action on right now but something you’d like to see within the next 3 to 5 years.);
10 for 10 years or longer (these are long-term goals.)

It is up to you what number to assign to your list of goals. The important thing to remember is no matter how big, or small your goals are, make certain that they are your goals and not someone else’s. It is not what society dictates you to be or what your environment influences you to do unless those are what you really want.

The rationale for doing this reflective exercise is so you can kind of see the direction that you are moving in your life and what the are the priorities.

In step 3, choose four one-year goals that are the most important to you. It is recommended to focus all your other activities on these 4. or maybe if you have a specific goal in mind, concentrate on that one particular goal.

Even if you already know what your goal is, it is really good that you do this activity because it shows you how what your goal is and what you’re focusing on fit in the bigger picture of how you want your life to be.

In step 4, determine why you want it. Ask yourself clearly, why you want this goal. What is it going to do for you?

The Important Thing to Remember After Completing the 4 Steps Towards Goal Clarity

Even more importantly, everything that you ever want, any goal you have, there is a particular way you want to feel. And you believe that by accomplishing this or achieving this or receiving this, whatever the case may be, that it would give you the feeling that you are looking for. So ask yourself, what is the feeling that this would give you that is the reason why you want it in the first place. You might be surprised at what you find.

Usually, every single time you want something, it is because you believe it is going to make you feel better. So the answer is always happiness, but, in what way is that manifested in this desire that you have?

Aside from looking at the importance of achieving your goal, reflect on what will happen in your life if you do achieve this goal. What will be the outcomes? What benefits are you going to have? How is your life going to change?

On the other side of the coin, what will be the consequences if you did not reach this goal?

To reiterate an important thing to remember, be entirely sure that the reasons why you want to achieve these goals are that they are what you want not what someone else or everyone around you tells you what you should be doing. The operative word here is SHOULD!

If you have a goal that you are trying to accomplish because you feel like you SHOULD, That word “should” is a massive trigger for you to recognize and to ask yourself where this idea is coming from.

Is it from other people’s ideas or is it truly coming from you that you should be doing something but you’re not doing it? Then you need to change the “I should” to “I must.” Commit to it and work towards that idea or goal.

The Next Steps …

Once you’ve done these activities and became clear in your mind what you really want, I will continue to give you the tools that you need to implement it and get on the path towards reaching that goal or goals.


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